Features of Venue and Item Reservation:

  1. Allows staff to reserve venues, items, assistance personnel, and arrangements.
  2. Each venue and item can have separate reservation approval rights, or can be approved by the system administrator.
  3. Option to select a list of available assistance personnel.
  4. Pre-define venue arrangements, specifying the arrangement of chairs, tables, and preparation and restoration times.
  5. Display staff task calendars during approval of reservation requests by administrators.
  6. Set prohibited reservation times for venues.
  7. Ability to simultaneously reserve venues, items, and assistance personnel.
  8. Option to choose predefined time slots or specify custom times.
  9. Ability to reserve multiple dates and times at once or use date sets for multi-day reservations.
  10.  When reserving a venue, specify the number of participants, nature of the event, and venue arrangement.
  11.  The system suggests available venues based on input conditions, taking into account venue arrangement times.
  12.  Users can select more than one venue for reservation.
  13.  Administrators responsible for approving reservation requests can add remarks during the approval process.
  14.  Support for grouping restrictions in venue reservations, where several venues can be combined into a group and restrict simultaneous reservations within the group. This ensures a certain number of venues remain available for cleaning and other tasks.
  15.  Successful venue reservation data is displayed in the time table, including assigned assistance personnel and personnel responsible for preparing items, with their tasks displayed on their respective schedules.
  16.  The system automatically calculates the available quantity of items during the reservation process.
  17.  Approved venues can be modified and replaced with other available venues.
  18.  If only item reservation is needed, venues can be excluded from the reservation.
  19.  Generate a comprehensive monthly summary of all venue reservations.
  20.  Generate various statistical reports.
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